Running Drupal on Hostinger

By Michael Scipioni, 26 December, 2023

I was looking for a low-cost way to run Drupal and ended up trying the Hostinger "Business" CMS plan (what this site is running off of as of today, 12/16/23). If anyone else is interested in doing this I just have a couple tips and tricks to get up and running.

  • Install Drupal with their auto installer (Website -> Auto Installer)
  • Using Composer
    • SSL into the server using the credentials supplied in your dashboard and then you can run composer commands to install modules, etc.
    • Important: there are two versions of Composer installed. By default, the composer command uses version 1, which will cause a lot of errors when trying to install anything D10+. Use the composer2 command, like:

      composer2 require 'drupal/pathauto:^1.12'
  • It uses a CDN by default, which in theory is great, but it's important to be aware of!

Aside from that, so far it's been smooth sailing.


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